Keep your company in the family.
Our Values
1 of 5
Our preferred holding
period is forever.
period is forever.
When you find a wonderful company, buy it and never sell it. -Charlie Munger
Our Values
2 of 5
The system must always
remain in balance.
remain in balance.
We’ve seen firsthand how the wrong buyer can hurt a great company. The private equity model is not our way.
Our Values
3 of 5
Slow is smooth,and smooth is
Decades of leadership and billions in value managed. We’re deliberate, not rushed.
Our Values
4 of 5
We measure time in generations.
Our long-term capital helps your company thrive for the long term. We don't have an exit strategy.
Our Values
5 of 5
When times get tough, we come
Through pandemics and downturns, we’ve stood with our teams — and we’ll stand with yours.
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